
Illinois Dental License CE Requirements


For Dental license renewals, 48 hours of continuing education are required every 3 years, and 9 of them must be on anesthesia topics for those who hold an Illinois Dental Anesthesia/Sedation permit. Hours earned for ACLS and/or BLS certification do not count towards the 9 hours required for those anesthesia permits. The current 3-year dental license period will end on September 30, 2024. By that time, a prescriber who is licensed to prescribe controlled substances must have completed 3 hours of continuing education on safe opioid prescribing. A prescriber may count these 3 hours toward the total continuing education hours required for renewal of a professional license.

Dental Hygienists are required to have a minimum of 36 hours of CE for license renewal.

For the 2024 renewal cycle, IDFPR will require that no more than 50% of the required continuing education credits will be allowed to be obtained through a correspondence course or webinar.

For all Illinois license renewals occurring on or after January 1, 2020, for a profession that has continuing education requirements, the required continuing education hours shall include at least 1 hour on sexual harassment prevention training.